Poem – Love song

I rarely share freshly written poetry, but this is an exception. 🙂

Little one inside me
All you know of the world is my body
So I take you with me and listen closely
Breathe it so you may taste a little of it.
These are waves, little one, they are
The heartbeat of the ocean
And these are stars, remote and beautiful
That feeling inside me is awe.
Alone in my bed, weeping; this is fear
My blood that calls your name before you have one.
This world at times is all shadow and sharp edges.

Here in my garden, I breathe in sweet basil
This drumming on my skin is rain

It’s autumn here, the jonquils
Push green fingers up through dark soil
They will bloom and die before you arrive. 

That burr of softness is my sweet cat
Kissing and purring – your mama thinks
He knows that you’re here – he wants to be with me always. 
In our own way, all these things
We are all singing to you
All in love with you, nameless one
All calling you home. 

6 thoughts on “Poem – Love song

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