Psychosis & Voice Hearing Links

I have personal experience of psychosis as well as experience in supporting others personally and professionally. I’m navigating psychosis with a minimum of fuss in my own life, and find that it’s a valuable gift, part of my arts practice and my connection to my inner world. That doesn’t always make it easy, but I’m glad to experience it and no longer afraid of it.

I also founded the SA Hearing Voices Network which has more information, links, and free resources:

This list provides links to my most popular posts about psychosis. If you find it helpful, please consider supporting me. Thanks!

2 thoughts on “Psychosis & Voice Hearing Links

  1. I just discovered your blog and plan to read further. However, already it has changed things at simply perusing it… for a long time now my alt and I have been able to ride shotgun” where we are both aware. I couldn’t really find info on this but when I began looking briefly through your site, I found it! For the longest time feeling we did that but not finding it openly online made me feel… not well.

    Thank you for your openness. I am looking forward to learning more.


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