Great news and events!

Today I found out I was accepted into the inaugural Cert IV Peer Work course! I’m very excited about that. 🙂 I’m still waiting to hear if I’ve been accepted into a Visual Arts course too, hopefully by mid-month I’ll know. Obviously that one will be done part time! A Cert IV will be a boost to my resume and I know a few of the other people who’ll be studying with me so I’m sure we’ll have a good time talking about Peer Work together. I also know a couple of people who didn’t get in, which is upsetting. Hopefully the course will be run many more times for all the other hopefuls!

There’s also some information days coming up about Lifeline Telephone Counsellor Training, which was my backup plan if I didn’t make it into the Peer Work cert. Maybe next year 🙂 If you’re interested in learning more, check What’s On for the details.

For those of you who were interested in the Voices Conference in Melbourne in February, but perhaps couldn’t get the funds together or time off work, I’ve just heard they are going to host a “Mad Pride” event on the Thursday evening that’s free and open to everyone! So if you’re in the area, consider coming along. If I’m still standing I plan to be there. 🙂 See What’s On for details.

Tomorrow I sign for my new place and collect the keys, all going to plan! I still have the rest of my studio to pack and clothes/shoes etc. I’m very excited!!

The packing is at that funny stage where half the house is trashed and the other half is cleaner than it’s been in ages. Obviously, this is the trashed half:

And the kitchen is neater than since I’ve lived here!

I need to spend some time with my diary and work out which training fits where and how many of my other planned activities I can fit in… I’ve been hoping to start some training with Radio Adelaide… and the SmART course when that comes round again in early Feb… oh dear, I think I’m over booked! What a delightful problem to have after those years of trying to find things to fill my time. 

3 thoughts on “Great news and events!

  1. Congratulations Sarah on being accepted into Cert IV Mental Health Peer Work. You definitely are a fighter and survivor with huge insight into the complexities and difficulties of experiencing mental health issues and the challenges faced to make postive change.


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