A brilliant day

Today, Rose gave me a sleep in because I was awake half the night with Poppy. I had breakfast in the backyard and did some more reading and reflecting about money myths (I’ve stopped feeling vulgar and embarrassed to want to understand it better, which is nice) and my ideal life… It occurred to me that in many important ways I’m already living it. My family has been a dream for such a long time and now it’s here. I absolutely adore each of them and I’m so happy to have such a loving, brilliant bunch around me. 

This afternoon I had an interesting experience being part of a focus group to provide feedback for a mindfulness and aerobics class intended to support people to connect more to their sexual feelings. 

Then I spent most of the day wrangling a new purchase for my studio: a huge set of map drawers. It is extremely heavy and took considerable effort to get it across town on a trailer, then piece by piece up the stairs into my studio!

But now for the first time I have somewhere safe and dry to store my papers, and I am so happy it feels like my heart will burst. I used to buy a single sheet of the quality watercolour paper in A1 size and then tear it down as best I could into smaller squares and rectangles. These I’d keep in a shoe box and when I felt like painting I’d select the one that spoke to me. It was a good system, but it meant all my art was very small in size. To be able to do the same thing but on a much larger scale with watercolour papers and canvas paper, it opens so many options for me! Safe place for blank sheets and works in progress. It’s amazing.

It’s a wonderful year. 

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